Friday, May 20, 2011

Project 11: End of the World Cookies

As we all know, the world is ending tomorrow.  So I decided to make cookies for an End of the World party I'm attending tonight.

I tried a few variations on the background...

One of the things driving me crazy about my cookies lately is this weird splotchy fading.

It's been happening more and more lately, and I can't quite figure it out.  I've done a bunch of research on my favorite cookie blogs, and altered the recipe and humidity and all kinds of stuff, but to no avail.  They still do it.  

I use the "glaze" frosting, which basically consists of confectioner's sugar, milk, and flavoring, with some corn syrup if you want to add a bit of shine.  I didn't add corn syrup here, so maybe that's adding to the splotchiness?  I just can't figure it out.  Incidentally, the first cookies I ever frosted with this recipe, the teal blue snowflakes, never did this.  It was before I got "serious" about making cookies and just used plain ole food coloring.  Maybe it's the fancy gel food coloring...hmm.  Something else to try.

Below is my WORST cookie of the bunch, with both the weird splotchy fading and some super bad bleeding.  I can't quite figure that out either, as I tried a couple of different approaches here as well, and both ways I get the bleeding.  Oy.  Again, maybe that's something the corn syrup would help.  Too bad I got a C in Chemistry.

All that being said, they taste freakin' fantastic.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Project 10: iPad Purse

I've been DYING for an iPad, and I'm planning on finally taking the plunge this week.  In celebration of the release of the iPad 2, and my joining of the iPad community, I made myself a new purse.  

I refuse to buy purses anymore, as I insist on function.  Those flimsy pockets and lack of organization make me crazy.  So I make my own. I get kinda lazy about it, though, and basically wait until my bag is falling apart before I make a new one.  It's way past due!

This one's about the size of an iPad, about 11 x 9 inches.  I hope it fits!

Project 9: 80s Cookies

For a 1980s themed Birthday party!  Awesome!

My costume, The Last Starfighter T-shirt included.  :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Project 8: Love Cookies

So these projects are officially out of order, but frankly, I'm just not that organized.  Here's my project for THIS week.   (I promise I'll get back to 6 & 7!)

There's a lot of love at work right now, some happy, some sad, so I thought I'd spread some of it around.  I made cookies for two co-workers who are going through some ups and downs.  One made his Broadway debut, hence the "broken legs," and the other lost a family member.

And some people didn't have such a great Valentine's Day, so for them: