Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Project 8: Love Cookies

So these projects are officially out of order, but frankly, I'm just not that organized.  Here's my project for THIS week.   (I promise I'll get back to 6 & 7!)

There's a lot of love at work right now, some happy, some sad, so I thought I'd spread some of it around.  I made cookies for two co-workers who are going through some ups and downs.  One made his Broadway debut, hence the "broken legs," and the other lost a family member.

And some people didn't have such a great Valentine's Day, so for them:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Project 4: Patron Saint

Okay, okay, I know.  It's a little late.  But I've actually been collecting projects and really slacking on the blogging end of things.  I'm working on it.

This is my Patron Saint of Wet T-shirt Contests.  I began working on a sketchbook while on vacation in Puerto Rico (more of that to come) and wanted to do some sort of ironic religious art.  I certainly don't mean to offend by this, just so ya'll know.

I spent most of my time on the hands, as I usually really suck at them.  And I was experimenting with colored pencils, which I generally don't like.  And I still don't.  But here she is.