Monday, March 7, 2011

Project 10: iPad Purse

I've been DYING for an iPad, and I'm planning on finally taking the plunge this week.  In celebration of the release of the iPad 2, and my joining of the iPad community, I made myself a new purse.  

I refuse to buy purses anymore, as I insist on function.  Those flimsy pockets and lack of organization make me crazy.  So I make my own. I get kinda lazy about it, though, and basically wait until my bag is falling apart before I make a new one.  It's way past due!

This one's about the size of an iPad, about 11 x 9 inches.  I hope it fits!

Project 9: 80s Cookies

For a 1980s themed Birthday party!  Awesome!

My costume, The Last Starfighter T-shirt included.  :)